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История благодарностей участнику Cikado ::: Спасибо сказали: 51 раз(а)
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30.7.2008, 9:54 С днем Свадьбы! Ded face ofF and easorokina
ага =)
Ded_face_ofF, easorokina,
16.7.2008, 9:27 Лучшее видео wh40k
эльдар сказал что насрать то он им успел и что они точно лашары
der Ungeheuer,
12.6.2008, 19:28 Что любите кушать?
слаще жареной картошки не что не ел
16.5.2008, 8:12 Дера УТрунгдера (гыгы) с Днем Варения!-)
искрине пострафляю =)
der Ungeheuer,
14.5.2008, 7:50 Death Note (Тетрадь смерти)
чожвас все на старенькое прет ченить новое бы обсудили
18.4.2008, 9:49 Поздравляем Хаски!
мы желаем счастия вам =) и многих благ =) с ДР
14.3.2008, 16:29 оружие метиоцентра
7.3.2008, 12:16 дереяшко
орка трак и дред
17.1.2008, 22:41 V редакция
ну се тогда вы влипли набераю маналитаф )))) клин клинам вышибать ихихи

зы женька вылась в асько 8)

зыы и где мне спасибо у мну тут инет через раз робит а я слухи выкладываю
14.1.2008, 21:34 V редакция
-There's now a reason to have a BS higher than 5 (can we say 2+/5+?).
-All models friend or foe now block line of sight. Vehicles and Monstrous Creature can be targeted over intervening infantry.
-Area terrain does not block line of sight.
-All blast weapons now scatter.

-Defensive weapons on vehicles are now Str 4 and below.
-Skimmers Moving Fast is now a 5+ cover save. (I have heard this is the new rule for All Obscured Targets)
-Dedicated transports can now carry any unit (subject to normal restrictions, i.e., no Terminators) and are no longer the deathtraps they have been (no entangling, just pinning).
-AP 1 weapons add +1 to the vehicle damage chart instead of doing as they do now.
-Ordinance weapons roll 2d6 and pick the highest on the vehicle damage table.

-Independent Character targeting restrictions have been eased.
-There is no IC protection any longer unless he is joined to a unit
-ICs within 2" of a unit automatically join it.
-Dark Eldar are not gone, as they're mentioned in the rules (their jetbikes DO get the 6" assault).
-Frag grenades operate as plasma grenades now.
-Monstrous creatures get move through cover, not a reroll.
-Saving Throws are now made AFTER wound allocation. This means you could still roll all your generic troopers as a group, but will need to roll for each special model (serg, heavy weapons, etc) one by one. Torrent of Fire is gone.

-The missions are different enough that Troops only counting as scoring isn't as big a deal as it would be today.
-Victory points are calculated differently in "cleanse" style missions (points calculated depending on the FOC slot the dead unit took up).
-Scouts and Infiltrators can now try to outflank the enemy and come on as reserves from a different board edge.
-Deepstrike is the same, but if you can't place all the models, you roll on the "deepstrike mishap" table (50% you're dead, 50% you place yourself anywhere you like).

Overall, the rules look a lot more detailed. Not as detailed as 2nd edition, but now there's a difference between a guy standing on the roof of a building and a guy standing in the basement. Actual line of sight matters a lot more than "pretend" line of sight now.
12.1.2008, 11:44 кодекс демонов
Hi guys, we have all kinds of playtest rumors breaking regarding the upcoming Codex: Daemons. Lets dive right in.

Army composition:


Greater Daemons
Herald (2 for slot)


Flesh hounds (w/special character)
Fiends of Slaanesh
Beast of nurgle


Daemonettes (most powerfull choice)
Pink Horrors (w/special charcter)


Seekers of Slaanesh


Soulgrinder (modified Defiler)
Daemon Prince (very customizable choice)

There are 3 special Greater Daemons ( one for Nurgle, one For Tzeentch and one Undivided) and 4 Special Herald ( one for God)

-Here we see further rules tidbits...

Troop abilities:
-Daemonettes: fleet and rending
-Bloodletters: PW and FC
-Plaguebeares: FNP, Posioned Weapons, Slow and Purposeful
-Horrors: Shooting one

General rule: All Daemons have
-Invulnerable save
-Deep strike
-No Instant death

All codex entries (yes, even the Soulgrinder) are daemons.

The troop choice ar very cheap (not as an ork but cheap)

Bloodthirster is very strong, best stat in the book, on assault phase he can Instant Kill a space marine character in close combat.

Horror shoots a S3 ap3 bolt and have access to one bolt of tzeentch for troop choice

Daemon Prince Stat are lower then the CSM one, is cheaper, but you can buy upgrade to became as the HG choice. Can be more dangeruos in HtH then the CSM (expecialy the nurgle one) or if marked Tzeentch be a very good mobile fire base

This is the Great Unclean One, only it has T6 I2 and slow and purposeful.

DP fly and can wound anything at 2+

Demons can be placed all in deep strike, and than enter in play at 6" from an icon and assault. Every TROOPS choice and some HG/HEAVY SUPPORT and juggernout have Icon.

Bloodeletters T4 and no 3+ save

You can have Heralds of the combination of the god you like.

No undivided heralds.

Only one undivided greater demon

No nurgle or tzeentch cavalry, the first have Daemon Beast and the second Screamers (that are considered jetbike)

Icon bearers are an upgrade for units.

Charoit option changes the stats of the Herald (like +1 T, +2 W + 3A and so on...) and they loose the Independent character status

Beasts of Nurgle are like very toxic, tough but slow spawn... (FNP and poisoned attack)

-noxious touch: wound 2+ in HtH
-boon of mutation: see CSM psichic power, only is a ranged weapon
-breath of chaos: Spry weapon
-unholy might: +1 S
-soporific musk: -1att one enemy in HtH

Lord of change is very powerful:
-has a sort of force weapon, all the tzeentch gift and shooting power, he can shoot 3 times at 3 different targets.
26.12.2007, 11:18 флэшмоб!
не чо рфанул )
4.8.2007, 9:50 Фли Хаммера с ДР
конектинг 8)
2.2.2007, 17:13 действия модератора
ой да мну здтут активно обсуждают =D

как писаи некоторые люди про мои посты "они заставляют задумаца"

тобиш я развиваю мышление =D
2.2.2007, 11:07 WH40k по сети
а по инетавскай сети многа бабос нада =(
1.2.2007, 10:36 WH40k по сети
ну скарей всего дарк курсаде

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