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Фабрика игрушек _ Winter Kill 2015 _ WK-2105. Ростеры - открываю забрало)

Автор: Set 19.11.2015, 14:00

В общем, многолетний опыт показывает, что распечатанные ростеры ОЧЕНЬ любят теряться.
Чтоб вопросов не было, и потом не бегать искать, открываю, как говорится, хлебало забрало)
Dark eldar -CAD:
HQ1 -: HQ1 -: Medusae - [25 pts] in Transport 1
Elites 1: 3 Mandrakes (3x12) - [36 pts]
Troops 1: 5 Dark Eldar Warriors (5x8=40) - [40 pts] in Transport 2
Troops 2: 5 Dark Eldar Warriors (5x8=40) - [40 pts] in Transport 3
Fast attack 1: Venom - [55]
Fast attack 2: Venom - [55]
Transport 1: Venom - [55]
Transport 2: Venom, 2 Splinter cannon- [65]
Transport 2: Venom, 2 Splinter cannon- [65]

Fortification: Imperial Bastion (75)


HQ 3 - Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15)- [115 pts]
HQ 4 - Warlock (35),Skyrunner (15) - [50 pts]

Troop 3: 5 Windrider (51+2x17=85), 5 scatter laser (5x10=50) - [135 pts]
Troop 4: 5 Windrider (51+2x17=85), 5 scatter laser (5x10=50) - [135 pts]

Fast attack 3: 1 Vyper (40) - [40pts]

Aspect host 1:
+1 Ballistic skill
Fast attack 4: 5 Warpspiders (19x5=95), Exarch (10) - [105 pts]
Fast attack 5: 5 Warpspiders (19x5=95), Exarch (10) - [105 pts]
HS 1: 3 Dark Reapers (75), 2 Starshot Missiles (16), Exarch (15), Eldar Missile Launcher (20) [126]

Aspect host 2:
+1 Ballistic skill
Elites 2: 5 Fire dragons (5x22=110), Exarch (10) - [120 pts]
Elites 3: 5 Fire dragons (5x22=110), Exarch (10) - [120 pts]
Fast attack 7: 6 Swooping Hawks (16x6=96), Exarch (10)- [106 pts]

Heroes of the craftworlds:
Autarch(70) Shuriken Pistol, warp jump generator (10); power axe (15), banshee mask (5])[100 pts]

Wraithknight 295

Hemlock Wraithfighter - 185


Автор: Phoenix 19.11.2015, 14:18

А я пока так посижу, посмотрю. А то выложу - и ничего не выяснится в процессе игры.

Автор: BioDred 19.11.2015, 15:43

Цитата(Phoenix @ 19.11.2015, 15:18) *

А я пока так посижу, посмотрю. А то выложу - и ничего не выяснится в процессе игры.

Например, что, приехав старым кодексом, ты вдруг будешь играть по новому? wink.gif

Автор: Андрей 19.11.2015, 15:44

По ростеру сета.

Requirements: 1 Farseer, 1 Warlock Conclave, 3 Windrider Units, 1 Vyper Squadron

Зачем обозначен праймари детачмент у ДЭ если там чарактеров нету ни 1?

PLAYER [14]: (Влад, ВолшебнаяПринцессаАндрей, Карионов)
Primary Detachment: Adeptus Mechanicus War Convocation [Formation]
Adeptus Mechanicus Battle Congregation [Detachment]:
HQ1: Tech-Priest Dominus (105), Stasis Field, Digital Weapons, Raiment of the Technomartyr, Eradication Ray, Scryerskull, Phosphor serpenta.

Troops1: Kataphron Destroyers x 3 (165), Heavy Grav-cannon, Phosphor Blaster [165pts]
Troops2: Kataphron Destroyers x 3 (165), Heavy Grav-cannon, Phosphor Blaster [165pts]
Troops3: Kataphron Breachers x3 (150), Heavy Arc Rifle, Hydraulic Claw [150 pts]
Subtotal: [585pts]

Scitarii Battle Maniple [Formation]
Troops1: Scitarii Vanguard x 10 (100), 3 x Plasma Caliver, Omnispex, Arc Maul, Conversion Field, Digital Weapons, Arc Pistol, Pater Radium [100pts]. Vanguard Alpha is Warlord.
Troops2: Scitarii Rangers x 10 (120), 3 x Plasma Caliver, Omnispex, Arc Maul, Conversion Field, Digital Weapons, Phosphoenix, [120pts].
Elites1: Sicarian Ruststalkers x 5 (160), Transsonic Razors, Chord Claws, Conversion Field, Digital Weapons, Prehensile Dataspike, Omniscient Mask [160pts].
Elites2: Sicarian Infiltrators x 5 (185), Taser Goads, Flechette Blasters, Conversion Field, Digital Weapons, Infoslave Skull, Phase Taser [185pts]
FA1: Sydonian Dragoons (180pts): Sydonian Dragoon (45pts) (Phosphor serpenta, Taser lance) x4
HS1: Onager Dunecrawler (90), Icarus Array - Twin autocannon, Gatling rockets, Daedalus, Cognis Heavy Stubber, Mindscanner Probe, Cognis Manipulator [90pts]
Subtotal: [835pts]

Oathsworn Knight [Detachment]
LoW1: Knight Crusader (425), Rapid-fire Battle Cannon with Heavy Stubber, Meltagun, Ironstorm Missile Pod [425]

Allied Detachment: Flesh Tearers Strike Force [Codex: Blood Angels]
HQ 1: Librarian (65), Force Axe, Auspex (5) [70pts]
Troop 1: Tactical Squad (70pts) Meltagun (10pts) combi-melta (10pts) in DT1. [90 pts]
Fast Attack 1: Drop Pod [35pts]
Fast Attack 2: Drop Pod [35pts]
Fast Attack 3: Drop Pod [35pts]
Fast Attack 4: Drop Pod [35pts]
Fast Attack 5: Drop Pod [35pts]
Fast Attack 6: Drop Pod [35pts]
Dedicated transport 1: Drop-pod (35)
PD total: [405pts]

Total: [2250pts]

Автор: Set 19.11.2015, 17:45

Да спасибо. Байки 3 по 4 конечно, самолет втыкал и забыл поправить. Эльдары в праймари конечно тоже )
С компа завтра поправлю

Автор: Clavius 19.11.2015, 18:17

Дак че там, будет какая-то проверка ростеров или как? smile.gif А то я через 5 часов отчаливаю.

Автор: John Silver 19.11.2015, 19:15

выезжаю через несколько часов smile.gif а забрало у меня всегда открыто:

Primary Detachment: Champions of Fenris, Company of the great wolf detachment
HQ1: Wolf Guard Battle Leader: Fellclaw's Teeth; runic armour; storm shield; power fist; Thunderwolf mount: Warlord 180
HQ2: Wolf Guard Battle Leader: runic armour; storm shield; power fist; Thunderwolf mount 165
HQ3: Wolf Guard Battle Leader: runic armour; storm shield; power fist; Thunderwolf mount 165
HQ4: Wolf Guard Battle Leader: runic armour; storm shield; power fist; Thunderwolf mount 165

Elite1: Iron Priest: Thunderwolf mount; 3 Cyber wolf 150
Elite2: Iron Priest: Thunderwolf mount; 3 Cyber wolf 150
Elite3: Iron Priest: Thunderwolf mount; 3 Cyber wolf 150
Elite4: Iron Priest: Thunderwolf mount; 3 Cyber wolf 150

FA1: 6 Thunderwolf Cavalry: 5х storm shield; 2х power fist; 3х melta bombs; Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader (storm shield; melta bombs) 400

Librarius Conclave (White Scar Chapter Tactics)
• Librarian: Psyker (Mastery Level 2); melta bombs; Space Marine bike; Force Axe 115
• Librarian: Psyker (Mastery Level 2); melta bombs; Space Marine bike; Force Axe 115
• Librarian: Psyker (Mastery Level 2); melta bombs; Space Marine bike; Force Axe 115
• Librarian: Psyker (Mastery Level 2); melta bombs; Space Marine bike; Force Axe 115
• Librarian: Psyker (Mastery Level 2); melta bombs; Space Marine bike; Force Axe 115

2 250 points
Вот такая вот меховая армия smile.gif

Автор: Famus 19.11.2015, 19:41

Дак че там, будет какая-то проверка ростеров или как? smile.gif А то я через 5 часов отчаливаю.

Все в порядке с ростерами. У кого были вопросы я в личку отписывал.

Автор: Челябинец 19.11.2015, 20:18

2 Сильвер.
Святая простота. Красиво.

Автор: Zutesh 20.11.2015, 9:42

PLAYER [ ] Алексей "Zutesh" Воронков


PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Decurion Detachment [Codex: Necrons 2015]

HQ 1: Nemesor Zandrekh [150 pts]
Elite 1: Lychguard x5 [125 pts] in transport 1
Troops 1: Necron warriors x10 [130 pts] in transport 2
Troops 2: Necron warriors x11 [143 pts] in transport 3
Troops 3: Immortals x5 [85 pts]
FA 1: Tomb Blades x3, Nebuloscope x3, Shield Vane x3 [66 pts]
FA 2: Tomb Blades x3, Nebuloscope x3, Shield Vane x3 [66 pts]

HQ 2: Destroyer Lord, The Voidreaper (30pts), Phase shifter (25 pts), Resurrection Orb(25 pts) [190 pts]
FA 3: Destroyers x3, Heavy Gauss cannon (10pts) x1 [130 pts]
FA 4: Destroyers x3, Heavy Gauss cannon (10pts) x1 [130 pts]
FA 5: Destroyers x3, Heavy Gauss cannon (10pts) x1 [130 pts]
HS 1: Heavy destroyers x2 [100 pts]

Elite 2: Triarch Stalker x1, twin-linked Heavy Gauss Cannon (10pts) [135 pts]
Elite 3: Triarch Preatorians x5, voidblades and particle casters (free) [140 pts]
Elite 4: Triarch Preatorians x5, voidblades and particle casters (free) [140 pts]
Transport 1: Night Scythe [130 pts]
Transport 2: Night Scythe [130 pts]
Transport 3: Night Scythe [130 pts]

Total: 2250 pts

Автор: Izber 20.11.2015, 15:06

Цитата(Zutesh @ 20.11.2015, 9:42) *

PLAYER [ ] Алексей "Zutesh" Воронков

ничего нового)

Автор: Челябинец 20.11.2015, 17:30

Немного интриги.
Праймари - 30к сыны хоруса
Секондари - 30к имперское ополчени.

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